Husbands losing jobs, wives finding them in recession


Female-dominated fields of medicine and education are still seeing growth.

The trend of American households with dual breadwinners or female breadwinners appears to be accelerating because of joblessness. New research published in the journal Family Relations found that wives whose husbands become unemployed were three times more likely to reenter the workforce compared to wives whose husbands were still working.

Employed women were also more likely to pick up more hours at work when their husbands stopped working. The stability of typically female-dominated industries like health and education in this recession is further fueling the trend.

Women, have you picked up more hours or come back to the veterinary field because of your husbands' or partners' lost jobs or cut hours? Click here to talk to others about it in the dvm360 Community.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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