A D.I.Y. reader tip to keep styptic powder at hand.
Sometimes applying styptic powder to a bleeding toenail can be messy and awkward. You can purchase nifty dispensers or applicators, but you can also make your own easily and cheaply with supplies you already have at the clinic.
We filled a pill vial about half way with styptic powder, which is a convenient way to store this powder and includes a ready-to-use applicator. To prevent messy spillage, we kept the cap on the vial but punctured a hole big enough to accommodate a 3-ml syringe. To make the hole in the cap, we used a closed pair of scissors to start the hole and then carefully pushed and twisted the scissors through the cap until the hole was big enough. Making the cap is the hardest part, so if you're not worried about spillage, just skip this step.
Joella Brill, veterinary assistant
Kerrville, Texas