Using 20-ga stainless steel cerclage wire to repair simple mandibular symphysis fractures in cats leaves a 3- to 4-mm sharp twist of wire protruding from the ventral mandible.
Using 20-ga stainless steel cerclage wire to repair simple mandibular symphysis fractures in cats leaves a 3- to 4-mm sharp twist of wire protruding from the ventral mandible. To protect owners (and their furniture) from scratches, I apply a drop of topical tissue adhesive (Nexaband—Abbott Animal Health) to a rubber plunger tip from a tuberculin syringe to cap the wire. The tip is easy to replace if it falls off before the fracture completely heals—most cats will allow you to glue on a new one while they're awake.
Dr. Gina Hanfland
Taylorsville, Utah