Examine the imaging results to help solve this pug's problem.
A 3-year-old spayed female pug was presented for evaluation of inspiratory stridor and regurgitation of three weeks' duration. The patient was nonresponsive to medical management consisting of metoclopramide, famotidine, and maropitant citrate.
On physical examination, stenotic nares and inspiratory stertor consistent with brachycephalic upper airway syndrome were noted. The rest of the physical examination findings were normal, and the results of a complete blood count and serum chemistry profile were unremarkable.
Based on the dog's history and physical examination findings, survey radiography (above) and a barium contrast gastrointestinal study were performed (below).
What's your diagnosis?
Veterinary scene down under: Australia welcomes first mobile CT scanner, and more news
June 25th 2024Updates on the launch of the first mobile CT scanner available for Australian pets; and learn about the innovative device which simplifies placement of urinary catheters in female dogs
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