Vetster launches the Pet Friendly Workplace Certification for employers
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Vetster, pet health platform and global veterinary marketplace, announced the launch of the Pet Friendly Workplace Certification, a new initiative for pet-inclusive employers. The certification will standardize safe environments for pets and regulate workplace policies and operations. Amazon, TribalScale, Spot Pet Insurance, and DECIEM are among the first certification recipients, recognized for their pet-inclusive approaches to physical and virtual workplaces, according to a Vetster news release.1
Nicola Watson, HR Manager at TribalScale said, “Recognizing that our employees’ pets are integral parts of their lives, we proudly extend our cultural ethos to include them. Pets aren’t just companions; they’re valued members of our extended TribalScale family. By nurturing a pet-inclusive culture, we not only enhance the well-being of our employees but also strengthen the fabric of our global community, because when every member feels seen, heard, and supported, we all thrive together.”1
According to the 2023-2024 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, 66% of households in the United States own a pet, which equates to 86.9 million households.2 Experts anticipate this number to rise since the younger generations are more likely to have a pet than a child. It is estimated that the millennial generation is less likely to own a house and have children than the generations before them and 58% of millennials said they prefer to have pets over human children.3 This is why Vetster is looking to help employers adapt to these societal changes and make their workplaces more pet friendly.
“The Pet Friendly Workplace Certification aims to recognize those companies already building programs to incorporate pets in the physical and virtual workplace, and help companies design programs that meet the needs of the modern employee,” said Cerys Goodall, COO of Vetster.1
According to Vetster, the Pet Friendly Workplace Certification is open to companies of all sizes who demonstrate a commitment to pet-inclusivity and are evaluated across 4 key areas. These are the specific guidelines advised by Vetster:1
“Creating a pet-friendly office can be very rewarding, benefiting the mental health and morale of both employees and their furry friends. Spot’s office culture revolves around many puppy playdates,” said Scott Taylor, president of Spot Pet Insurance. “By establishing clear policies and guidelines, I encourage other businesses to create a happy and productive work environment that embraces the presence of pets.”1