Job Seekers: Always Be Prepared for New Opportunities


Gary Vroegindewry, DVM, MSS, DACVPM, director of One Health at Lincoln Memorial University, talks about some of the key things job seekers need to remember.

Gary Vroegindewry, DVM, MSS, DACVPM, director of One Health at Lincoln Memorial University, talks about some of the key things job seekers need to remember. The number one thing to remember is that you always need to be prepared for opportunities that may show up in the future. This means you need to have your own business cards, as well as an up-to-date resume.

Fifty to 75 percent of jobs are also found through networking. The probability of getting a new job with just your resume is one in about 200, but if you send your resume through a specific person in that company, then the probability goes up to one in 10.

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