Join the '51 percent club':Benefit from helper's high


How do your clients respond when you and your staff have gone the extra mile to provide care for their beloved animal companions?

How do your clients respond when you and your staff have gone the extra mile to provide care for their beloved animal companions?

Likely, they have expressed their heartfelt feelings of appreciationto you in one way or another. How do you typically feel when helping tosave a life, helping to cure an illness, or providing compassionate comfortto patients and their families facing chronic illness? I have found thatthe good feelings expressed to me by those I have had the opportunity tohelp (not only clients, but also students, neighbors and others) are secondhand in the context that I experienced the good feelings first. This exampleis not surprising or uncommon since it is based on a firmly establishedand powerful principle: There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.

In a book entitled, "The Healing Power Of Doing Good", AllanLuks describes the positive feelings we experience as a result of altruisticallyhelping others as the "Helpers High." (Luks A, Payne P: The HealingPower Of Doing Good. Ballantine Books, New York, 1992)

The sense of well-being associated with the helpers high has been comparedto the euphoria associated with the release of endorphins during vigorousexercise (such as the "runner's high" described by marathon runners).

In fact, in a study of more than 3,296 individuals engaged in volunteerwork, Luks found that the helpers high was characterized by sustained feelingsof bolstered well-being, self-worth and optimism. He referred to these sustainedfeelings as the "Helper's Calm". In addition to an emotional response,the act of helping others may also be associated with physiologic responses.Luk provided evidence that regularly helping others reduces stress, bloodpressure and heart rate.

The greater the frequency of helping others, the greater the health benefits.It is apparent that those who help others also help themselves. In otherwords, we gain by giving.

It has been said that it is the will more than the gift that makes thegiver. It follows that one way to benefit from the helper's high is to proactivelythink about the welfare, concerns, and needs of others, including patients,clients, colleagues, family, neighbors and those in the community whom weby chance contact throughout the day. But more is required than positivethoughts. They must be translated into positive actions. The attribute ofgenerosity can only be measured by the action it prompts.

With the concept of the helper's high in mind, I ask you to considerbecoming a member of the 51 percent club (Osborne CA: Are you feeding theenergy vampire? J Amer Anim Hosp Assoc 36: 103-105, 2000)

What are the eligibility criteria? Let me begin by stating that thereare no monetary dues. However, there are two fundamental requirements. First,51 percent club members must pledge to be willing to help other individualsby meeting them more than half way in terms of cooperation and understanding,as long as in so doing, moral and ethical principles are not compromised.

This criterium, which is symbolized by 51 percent, is a basic applicationof the Golden Rule. The second criterium is to strive to enroll others whowill abide by the first criterium. Although extra effort may be requiredto be an active participant in the 51 percent club, this need not requireextra time.

What is involved in practicing the 51 percent principle? The Golden Rule,a rule of ethical conduct that originated from Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31,states that we should do to others as we would have others do to us. A negativeversion of this principle is also attributed to the Chinese philosopherConfucius (551-479 BC), who said, "What you do not want done to yourself,do not do to others". Practicing the negative version of this ruleis likely to result in the "helper's low." To experience the helper'shigh, we must practice the positive version of the Golden Rule by takingthe initiative to be altruistic (having unselfish concern for the welfareof others). Altruism (the opposite of egoism) demands that we consider theinterest of others when we use our talents and possessions. But, the GoldenRule is of little value unless we recognize that the first move is ours.Striving to empathetically put ourselves into other's shoes, paws, hoovesor claws is often a strong stimulus to initiate helpful action.

Put it in action

Please consider a few practical applications of the 51 percent principle.

1) We would conscientiously strive to provide the quality of diagnosticevaluation and therapy that we would desire if we were the patients andnot the doctors. Our ethical code of practice demands that we not let ill-conceiveddiagnostic and therapeutic plans jeopardize the welfare of our patients.To this end, our actions would demonstrate that the humane aspects of veterinarymedicine are just as important, if not more so, than financial considerations.

2) We would trust others as we desire to be trusted. Isn't ittrue that we all want to be trusted? If so, how do we earn trust? Trustworthypeople learn that trust is gained more by conduct than just thoughts orwords. Our daily conduct will provide outward evidence of our intent tobe truthful, honest, reliable, loyal, unbiased, accountable, cooperative,just and communicative. However if trustworthiness is to grow, still moreis required. Our trust in others is a form of generosity. Our conduct mustbe motivated by giving trust to others.

3) We would talk about others as we would have others talk aboutus. How often in our daily conversations do we find ourselves talking toa colleague or friend about someone who is not present? To practice the51 percent principle, we would recognize the difference in talking aboutsomeone versus talking against someone. By being loyal to those who areabsent, we will retain the respect and confidence of those who are present.If we understand the 51 percent principle, we are likely to recognize thatinitiating negative gossip about others may be a dishonest way of praisingourselves.

4) We would forgive others as we would want to be forgiven. Aswe interact with our colleagues, clients, neighbors and families, invariablywe encounter situations where others fall short of their promises or makeerrors that affect us. Shouldn't our awareness that we also make mistakescause us to take the initiative of being forgiving and mild-tempered whendealing with these situations?

Don't most of us have a tendency to be very lenient in forgiving andjustifying our own shortcomings? Are we as forgiving to others whom we contactin our daily activities? We should remember that the root word in "forgive"is "give".

Think about it. If members of the veterinary profession, their clienteleand others they come into contact with each day channeled their energiesin striving to go more than half way in interacting with each other, thebenefits could fill these pages with good news.

From bad to good

Bad news about animals and human cruelty would be replaced with thoseof good deeds based on mild-mannered patience and courtesy. There wouldbe a conspicuous absence of bad news related to misunderstandings relatedto gender harassment, negligence and malpractice. On the national level,reports would appear about the refreshing absence of commercial and corporatemisconduct. Actions based on selfishness and greed would become the exceptionrather than the rule.

Altruistic acts of generosity and compassion would become the rule ratherthan the exception.

Have I persuaded you that becoming a member of the 51 percent club isworthy of your consideration? If so, will you join the club and help toenlist others?

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