Learn more about Rural Area Veterinary Services


HSVMA-RAVS is compiled of nearly 400 volunteers around the world.

The program gives veterinarians the opportunity to practice medicine for the sole purpose of alleviating pain and suffering in animals, says Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association-Rural Area Veterinary Services (HSVMA-RAVS) director Windi Wojdak, RVT, based in Felton, Calif. “Our clinics also allow practitioners to share their skills and knowledge with students. Many volunteers find the teaching aspect of our clinics to be their favorite part,” Wojdak says.

HSVMA-RAVS is compiled of nearly 400 volunteers from around the world. Wojdak says volunteer veterinarians and technicians are essential to the success of the program. “Volunteers like Dr. Lisa Shriver are the driving force behind the RAVS program. Lisa first volunteered with us as a student. She returned as a veterinarian to give back to the communities and the program,” she says.

Veterinarians can apply online at ruralareavet.org or e-mail ravs@hsvma.org for more information.

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