The list of legal actions continues to grow as officials sort the aftermath of the largest pet-food recall in history. DVM Newsmagazine compiled this short list of actions filed at press time.
Lois Grady and Kaye Steinsapir filed a class-action suit in California, seeking punitive and compensatory damages from Menu Foods, alleging their cats became ill after eating contaminated products.
- Audet & Partners LLP filed a nationwide class-action suit against Menu Foods, seeking medical monitoring for injured animals and emotional distress for plaintiffs. The suit alleges Menu Foods delayed announcing the recall, thereby causing animal deaths that could number in the tens of thousands.
- Kelly Finestone alleges Menu Foods was negligent and should be held liable after her 8-year-old Samoyed, Sammy, suffered kidney failure and had to be euthanized after eating tainted pet food, according to a suit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court.
- In the first nationwide suit filed against Del Monte Foods, Sacramento law firms Kershaw Cutter & Ratinoff and Wexler Toriseva Wallace allege company products caused fatal kidney failure in some animals. The suit seeks reimbursement of veterinary bills for the affected pet owners.
- Chicago attorney Jay Edelson filed a class-action suit against Menu Foods, alleging fraud and negligence, and seeking medical compensation for veterinary bills and punitive damages. Plaintiffs include Dawn Majerczyk and Ben and Jennifer DeLong, whose cats died shortly after eating tainted products, according to the suit.
- Menu Foods was named in a suit filed by Jacqueline Johnson of Madison, Wis., who alleges her tabby became ill after eating an Iams Select Bites pouch in February. Represented by Progressive Law Group attorney Frank Jablonski, Johnson and at least 95 other plaintiffs are seeking unspecified damages.
- Merchant Law Group has filed a suit against Menu Foods in Montreal and has been contacted by more than 3,200 individuals with concerns over the use of recalled pets foods.
- O'Mara Law Firm seeks damages from Menu Foods on behalf of a class-action suit filed in Nevada to compensate grieving pet owners for veterinary expenses, and the emotional loss of their pets.