Letters: Observations on Dr. Miller's fatherly advice


Good stuff in the "Fatherly advice" Mind Over Miller column (Veterinary Medicine, June 2009). As a 40-year-old, I would like to offer a different perspective.

Good stuff in the "Fatherly advice" Mind Over Miller column (Veterinary Medicine, June 2009). As a 40-year-old, I would like to offer a different perspective. I'm glad you, Dr. Miller, have never cheated on your taxes. Neither have I. However, it seems to be OK to do this before you become the treasury secretary.

Also, I can understand why your generation never complained. Your hard work was usually rewarded to you in kind. Nowadays it seems that for every dollar we work for, 40 cents of it goes to someone else. If you can, Dr. Miller, I would opt out of the highest income tax bracket. I think I have an idea how my money should be spent, and I don't need a politician to hand it over to his friends.

I will keep your sage advice for my children. All too often, they're getting an air of entitlement from the media. They should know that sometimes the best words come from your father or mother, not from a sitcom or YouTube video.

Dr. Frank Ansede

Ansede Animal Hospital

Raleigh, N.C.

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