Making the best of yourself and your practice: Technician, Part 1 (Proceedings)


Have you ever felt that the raise you got wasn't what YOU thought you deserved?

Lessons From "What Got You Here Won't Get You There" by Marshall Goldsmith

Have you ever felt that the raise you got wasn't what YOU thought you deserved? Have you ever wondered why your colleague is praised for every little thing she does and your efforts seem to be ignored? It's a problem with "them" not you- right? WRONG! There are things that each of us does that keep us from becoming more successful- they are habits that could get into our way of interpersonal relationships. In the next two sessions we will talk about these habits and examine a process that can help us change.

Habits that Harm our Interpersonal Relationships

1. Passing Judgment- The need to pass judgment on advice or a question that you have specifically solicited an answer too.

2. Starting with "No, But or However"- Negative qualifiers that "secretly say to everyone, " I'm right. You're wrong."

3. Negativity or " Let Me expain why that won't work"- Sharing negative thoughts even when we aren't asked.

4. Making Excuses- Either blunt or subtle it's an effort to shift the blame to others or a "defect" within ourselves that people just will need to accept.

5. Failing to express gratitude- Not using our good manners- " magical super-gesture of interpersonal relations."

6. Clinging to the Past- The need to blame others and events in our past rather then look at ourselves; Ok to understand the past but need to ACCEPT it as such and not use it as an excuse

7. Not Listening-The inability to pay attention- the ultimate in " disrespect"

8. Passing the buck-Blaming others for our mistake

9. Playing favorites- Not recognizing when we may be treating someone unfairly.

10. Refusing to express regret- The inability to take responsibility for our own actions, admit that we are wrong or recognize when our actions hurt others.

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