COLUMBIA, MO - 1/24/07 - Tom and Betty Scott of Mission Hills, Kan., have given $2 million to the For All We Call Mizzou campaign at the University of Missouri-Columbia.
COLUMBIA, MO – 1/24/07 – Tom and Betty Scott of Mission Hills, Kan., have given $2 million to the For All We Call Mizzou campaign at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Their gift will benefit the MU College of Veterinary Medicine.
The gift will be placed in an unrestricted excellence fund for use at the dean's discretion.
"A gift like this shows tremendous faith in the leadership of the college and university,” says Dr. Cecil Moore, interim dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine. “It will clearly make a future difference by advancing the veterinary college to a new level and providing flexibility for the leadership of the college to address its greatest needs and opportunities and to develop strategic priorities. All of us in the university and veterinary communities are truly indebted to Tom and Betty for their generosity and desire to make a lasting difference."