The pet insurance claims data show that dogs have a lot of skin in the game, while cats are all over the place.
"I had to go because of itches and scratches. You?" ( pet insurance recently reported the 10 most common problems for which claims were submitted in 2017 for canine and feline veterinary care. Dogs have derm issues-lots of derm issues. Cats have lots of, well, lots of issues, from their urinary tracts to their lungs and kidneys to their not-so-pearly whites.
Which claims were the most frequent? And which were the most expensive? If the suspense is killing you, wait no more …
Nationwide's top 10 most common medical conditions in dogs
Nationwide's top 10 most common medical conditions in cats
Nationwide says its members spent more than $96 million in veterinary care last year for these top 10 most common issues in both dogs and cats alone. The lists were compiled from more than 1.4 million pet insurance claims submitted to Nationwide last year for more than 650,000 insured pets.