New MAF poster for clinics educates dog owners about canine cancer


Denver, Colo. - 6/12/07 - The Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) released a Canine Cancer Campaign (CCC) poster to help veterinarians educate their clients about cancer risks in dogs.


New MAF poster for clinics educates dog owners about canine cancerDenver, Colo. - 6/12/07 - The Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) released a Canine Cancer Campaign (CCC) poster to help veterinarians educate their clients about cancer risks in dogs.

The CCC poster showcases the breeds most susceptible to cancer and the types of cancer prevalent in those breeds. The poster helps increase awareness about the importance of early diagnosis of cancer, the number one natural cause of death in dogs over the age of 2.

The poster also references the CCC project and its hopes of curing canine cancer within a dog's lifetime-the next 10 to 20 years. Funding elite scientists throughout the world to help advance treatments, assess risks, establish a tumor tissue bank and investigate methods of prevention, MAF encourages every veterinarian to help raise awareness about cancer and the ongoing campaign to find a cure.

One in two dogs will suffer from cancer and one in four will die. In some of the most popular breeds, the risks and mortality rates are even higher. Informal interviews at New York dog park revealed nine out of 10 dog owners have no idea of the high risk their dog has of getting cancer.

The poster can be ordered by email at [email protected] or by calling (800) 243-2345. More campaign information is available at

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