New Technologies for Human, Veterinary Medicine


There are several new technologies that are coming into both human medicine and veterinary medicine that have the potential to transform medicine.

"There are several new technologies that are coming into both human medicine and veterinary medicine that have the potential to transform veterinary practice and the way we practice medicine in the future," David Bartram, BVetMed, FRCVS, director of outcomes research for Zoetis, says.

"For example: genomic technologies, the ability to identify the genes that cause different disease, the ability to edit genes to help to protect animals against disease, there are technologies based around artificial intelligence whereby we can bring in information from multiple different sources and different devices that might be connected to animals and apply data analytics and machine learning to that to develop actionable insights - so things that people can actually do in response to those analytics - that can change the level of wellness of the animal. So, perhaps we can actually identify diseases much earlier as a consequence. So, those are just some other some of the changes."

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