Newly discovered spider species bears the name David Bowie


Malaysian spider named after British musician.

Having something named after you in the world of academia is a true honor. Countless university auditoriums and professorial positions bear the names of important and influential people, ensuring their legacies. But, what if instead of an ivy covered research hall on campus named after you, it were a spider? If you're David Bowie, it makes perfect sense. Recently the iconic British musician had a fittingly singular arachnid christened in his honor.

Meet Heteropoda davidbowie, a giant, hairy, yellow Malaysian spider, so named by Peter Jäger-a research rock star in his own right who has discovered this spider along with 200 new species over the last decade. According to Jäger, many of the newly found species are already endangered when he discovers them. He hopes to draw attention to these creatures' precarious futures by giving them celebrity names.

Bowie, himself known to be hairy and yellow on occasion, has released such respected albums as The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars and Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps). His placement in the world of arachnology seems only right.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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