News wrap-up: This week’s headlines, plus the world’s first artificially inseminated baby elephant


Check out this week’s headlines

Elena Medoks/

Elena Medoks/

Happy Saturday dvm360® readers! We are officially moving the wrap-up from Friday mornings to Saturday mornings to keep up with the latest news in veterinary medicine. This week, we continued to celebrate Women’s History Month with video interviews and podcasts featuring incredible women in the veterinary industry. Stay tuned throughout the month to hear from more of these incredible women.

In the meantime, check out what was popular this week on

  • Indianapolis Zoo announced that Zahara, a 16-year-old African elephant, is pregnant. Not only will her pregnancy grow the zoo’s head from 4 to 5 elephants, but the calf will also be the world’s first elephant born through artificial insemination.
  • In honor of National Poison Prevention Week on March 19-25, Adam Christman, DVM, MBA, chief veterinary officer at dvm360® shared a story of Maraduke, a 2-year-old male chocolate Labrador retriever who came to his clinic when his owner suspected that he could be pregnant.
  • In this interview with dvm360, Renee McDougall, DVM, MPH, DACVS, specialty surgeon at Bond Vet shares all the women in her life that have empowered her to be the best surgeon, and woman, that she could be.
  • On this week’s episode of the Vet Blast Podcast, Christman and Ingrid Pyka, DVM, Cert VMI, sit down to talk about the power of saying no while also offering tips on how to set boundaries in and out of the veterinary clinic.
  • During the Western Veterinary Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, Christman and Lori Teller, DVM, DABVP (canine/feline), CVJ, president of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), sat down to learn more about the AVMA initiatives and the role of the president.
  • And more!
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