Case study: Splenic mass in 8-year-old labrador retriever
Lovey presented to the clinic lethargic, with inappetence but consuming plenty of water, and a bulge on her abdomen when lying down
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The wonderful world of exotics
Enter the world of veterinary exotics with our host Adam Christman, DVM, MBA, and Rachel Siu, DVM
USDA issues conditional license for H5N2 vaccination
The vaccine from Zoetis, Avian Influenza Vaccine, H5N2 Subtype, Killed Virus, is for poultry and has been demonstrated to be safe, pure, and to have a reasonable expectation of efficacy
Becoming a wildlife veterinarian and photographer
Carl Palazzolo, DVM, MBA, shares more about what inspired his journey to become a wildlife veterinarian and photographer and the adventures he had along the way
Overcoming client challenges in canine otitis treatment
Anticipating obstacles can help ensure the successful treatment of dogs suffering from otitis.
Tips for simplifying ophthalmic exam in general practice
Ron Ofri, DVM, PhD, DECVO, shares how veterinary professionals can make eye exams easier for all during his recent lecture at VMX