Date: November 03 - November 04, 2017
The field of rehabilitation of the equine athlete suffering from orthopedic injuries has developed enormously over the past decades with an array of human therapeutic modalities having become available to equine practitioners. For the busy practicing vet it is however difficult to untangle which modalities to use for what type of injury, how to use them and to research clinical efficacies.This 2-day practical course covers how to devise therapeutic exercise protocols and adapt them to specific injuries and how to include physiotherapy as the foundation of rehabilitation of the equine athlete. The following therapeutic modalities will furthermore be covered in individual lectures by discussing their modes of action, indications for use, human and veterinary literature reviews and clinical experiences: Aquatic therapy, whole body vibration, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, cold & hot therapy, extracorporeal shock wave therapy, radiofrequency therapy, therapeutic ultrasound, laser therapy, pulsed electromagnetic therapy.In the afternoons, 7 hours of case-basedand practical session on live horses will allow attendees to further their practical skills on live horses in small groupsand to discuss the above topics with the specialists. Each attendee will rotate through the following stations: Exercises to improve Proprioception focus on Upper Limb & Back/SI Radiofrequency Therapy on live horses Development of Treatment Plans & Therapeutic Monitoring Aquatic Therapy demonstration Strengthening Exercises focus on Upper Limb & Back/SI Whole Body Vibration & Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Event type: Course with Wetlabs
Event Address: TBC
Sponsor: VetPD - Veterinary Professional Development
For More Information:Petra Pellew,VetPD - Veterinary Professional Development
PO Box 560653 ,Rockledge ,Florida ,32956 ,United States