Pedaling to a new past-time


When I was veterinary school, summer meant RAGBRAI, the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. While I never participated, I was in awe as legions of bicyclists made their way through Ames en route to a finish line on the state's eastern edge. There's even a veterinarian version of the famed race, which takes place during fall semester.

When I was veterinary school, summer meant RAGBRAI, the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa. While I never participated, I was in awe as legions of bicyclists made their way through Ames en route to a finish line on the state's eastern edge. There's even a veterinarian version of the famed race, which takes place during fall semester.

Bicycling appears to be an activity many veterinarians enjoy. At least three in our practice actively cycle, and I am hoping to be the fourth. Before today, I had not put my feet on bicycle pedals since high school. Even then, I do not think I cycled much after getting my driver's license. My only lasting memory is of the pink Huffy rode when my age was in single digits.

My husband and I have been talking about this purchase for a couple months. The state of Pennsylvania is rich with fabulous places to see while on a bicycle. Most notably, there are the Rail-Trails, which are former railroad corridors that have been converted for cyclists, hikers, walkers and equestrians. There's even a path in Lititz near our home. We decided that it would be a great and healthy activity to do together.

Saturday morning, my day off, my husband and I skipped sleeping in and left the house before 10 a.m. When we arrived at the bicycle shop, we were overwhelmed. Row after row of pedals, frames, wheels and handlebars stared back at us. Luckily, one of the shop employees must have sensed our confusion and offered help.

A half-hour later, Mark and I were in the parking lot testing two bicycles. My ride started out shaky, but my balance returned, the gears shifted precisely, and the brakes worked properly under my hands.

We selected our bicycles and loaded our new wheels into our Jeep.

Neither of us could wait to get home to ride, and we did just that, donning helmets and heading out on what was supposed to be a short trip around the park but turned into a ride to the beginning of the Rail-Trail nearest our home. We crossed a small creek and viewed alpacas in a pasture as we coasted down the hill back to the path behind our home. The trip was invigorating.

We already are planning our next ride, which hinges on me getting out of work on time. We're looking forward to exploring the state on bicycles. I'm excited to be joining the ranks of veterinarians whose lives are dominated by two wheels.

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