Defined as an inflammation and infection of the tissues surrounding the tooth, collectively called the periodontium.
Understanding periodontal disease
Etiological timeline
More fun facts
Staging periodontal disease
Management of PD begins with prevention
The four main objectives of periodontal therapy include removing the biofilm (plaque, tartar), minimizing attachment loss, minimizing pocket depth, and maintaining a minimum of attached gingiva.
Advanced periodontal therapies
The following can and should be performed in general practice to treat most periodontal disease.These therapies can be performed by a technician with the correct training. Charging appropriately for treatment of periodontal disease can significantly increase revenue in the practice.
Ultrasonic Periodontal Debridement removes calculus and debris subgingivally. It also disrupts the cell wall of bacteria thereby destroying it. This procedure is performed with a specific ultrasonic periodontal tip which can be used safely subgingivally.
Subgingival Curettage is the debridement of the periodontal pocket to encourage healing and reattachment of gingiva to reduce pocket depth. This technique is performed with a curette.
Closed root planing is the debridement of the root, to remove a layer of cementum, soft and hard substrate, and diseased sulcal lining. The purpose of root planing is to remove irregularities and a thin layer of superficial cementum-loaded with bacterial toxins-that will inhibit healing if left in place._ The instrument used is also a curette with the Modified Pen Grasp technique.
Perioceutic placement-doxirobe gel
Placement of doxycycline gel is used in periodontal pockets of 4 mm or greater. This acts as a barrier to prevent epithelial tissues from reinhabiting the pocket and allowing the periodontal tissues to grow. It also provides antibacterial properties, immunoregulatory properties to dampen the inflammatory response, and anti-collagenase properties which counteract the tissue destruction process.
More advanced periodontal therapies
The following therapies can be performed in general practice. They are considered oral surgery and should be performed by a veterinarian with advanced training. Always recommend referral to a dental specialist if treatment needed is beyond your capabilities. Gingival Flaps with open root planing are performed on periodontal pockets 6mm or greater. By creating a gingival flap, it allows for better visualization into the deeper pockets for more effective removal of tartar, bacteria laden cementum and debris. A 12% EDTA solution is then placed to dissolve debris and open the dentinal tubules. A bone graft material is then placed to promote bone growth around the affected tooth.
Raising the bar
Periodontal therapy techniques improve the dental care of your patients. These therapies allow the practitioner to treat and save teeth as opposed to premature extraction. These techniques are important to master not only for the improved health of the patient, but also to increase revenue for the practice.
1 S.E. Holmstrom Veterinary Dentistry for the Technician & Office Staff (Saunders 2000) pg. 149_2 S.E. Holmstrom Veterinary Dentistry for the Technician & Office Staff (Saunders 2000) pg. 149_3 S.E. Holmstrom Veterinary Dentistry for the Technician & Office Staff (Saunders 2000) pg. 150_4 H. Lopbrise, R. Wiggs Common Dental Procedures (AAHA Press 2000) pg. 47_5 S.E. Holmstrom, P. Frost, E. Eisner Veterinary Dental Techniques (Saunders 2004) pg. 240_6 S.E. Holmstrom, P. Frost, E. Eisner Veterinary Dental Techniques (Saunders 2004) pg. 237_