Pet insurance information available interactively online


Denver, Colo. - 9/26/07 - Animal owners can now get their pet insurance questions answered by an industry expert by logging onto the Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) Web site.

Denver, Colo. - 9/26/07 - Animal owners can now get their pet insurance questions answered by an industry expert by logging onto the Morris Animal Foundation (MAF) Web site, .

"To provide pet parents with information, the MAF Web site features Dr. Jack Stephens, the founder of the pet insurance industry and president of Pets Best Insurance. Dr Stephens has volunteered his time to answer questions from pet parents," says Dr. Patricia Olson, MAF president and chief executive officer.

Veterinary services can be costly and problematic for animal owners, especially when unanticipated. Pet insurance is one means of providing veterinary care -- both preventative care, such as vaccines and spay/netuer surgeries, and care for illnesses or injury. Also, owners sometimes postpone treatment or opt for euthanasia when they cannot afford care, and insurance offers an alternative.

"It's a terribly sad fact that some pet parents have to forgo or postpone necessary veterinary care because they could not afford the cost," Olson says. "Too often a much loved pet is euthanized due to cost factors. Having pet insurance may have allowed the pet to benefit from all treatment options."

Currently, there are 10 pet insurance companies in the United States that offer various insurance options and benefits.

Pets Best Insurance has also partnered with MAF in their Canine Cancer Campaign , pledging $1 million to the effort. Other organizations, including Pfizer , Camp Bow Wow and the Golden Retriever Foundation have also donated to the campaign.

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