Joplin, Mo.'s Parkview Animal Hospital suffered severe damage from the May 22 EF-5 tornado. Get a firsthand look at the veterinary hospital's destruction-and the owner's efforts to remain open and rebuild.
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Dr. Jim Christman, right, owner of Parkview Animal Hospital, faced an enormous loss on May 22 when a tornado ripped through his Joplin, Mo. veterinary practice.
DVM Newsmagazine
Editor Dan Verdon recently spoke with Dr. Christman.
Click the Next button to view more photos from Joplin. Photos by Troy Van Horn.
With Parkview Animal Hospital heavily damaged by the tornado, Dr. Christman and his team members went to work in a trailer in the parking lot. Just your normal vacation vehicle: A coffee pot is flanked by a microscope.
One of the first things Dr. Jim Christman did after confirming the safety of his patients inside his veterinary hospital was to spray paint, "pets ok" on the outside of the building. Among the many grim messages following the tornado, this was a positive note.
Here, Parkview Animal Hospital owner Dr. Jim Christman gives
DVM Newsmagazine
Editor Dan Verdon a tour of the damage.
A section of the veterinary hospital's west wall near these kennels was destroyed.
No, those aren't skylights-the roof is wide open above the kennels. Parkview Animal Hospital, occupies the same intersection as the oft-cited St. John's Regional Medical Center at what has come to be known as "ground zero" for the storm.
Here's the view from the parking lot of Parkview Animal Hospital. St. John's Regional Medical Center is seen beyond utility workers endeavoring to get the city's infrastructure back online.
It's hard to believe that any business in the swath of the Joplin tornado could have survived. Parkview Animal Hospital suffered serious damage but will be rebuilt. This shot is looking west down Gabby Street Boulevard and West 26th Street.
Though the tornado caused serious damage to Parkview Animal Hospital, it couldn't bring the hospital to a halt. Less than two weeks after the storm, owner Dr. Jim Christman and his team members set up shop in a trailer in the veterinary hospital's parking lot. Here is Dr. Susan Sears with a client.
Dr. Christman and his team members (and then some) have been hard at work for two weeks preparing to rebuild. How's the progress? There are already plans for rebuilding on the wall.