Date: August 21 - August 21, 2019
The first section of PRIMA Photomedicine covers the physiologic basis of photobiomodulation, i.e., the manner in which the medical application of light, whether through laser or light emitting diodes (LEDs), influences living tissue. Topics include photobiomodulation for tissue repair, analgesia, circulatory restoration, neuroprotection and neural regeneration, reduction of inflammation, and immune modulation. Free of financial conflicts of interest, Dr. Robinson critically evaluates the pros and cons of various laser and LED units.The second section of PRIMA Photomedicine calls upon learners to apply their knowledge from section I for the safe and effective treatment of pain, inflammation, nerve regeneration, and more. We set the stage by establishing the scientific framework for the PRIM A Photomedicine Method which integrates seamlessly with Dr. Robinsons Medical Acupuncture and Integrative Neuromodulation method. In so doing, graduates of this program and, ultimately, PRIMA certified practitioners, will enjoy the flexibility of utilizing a spectrum of integrative medicine methods to tackle challenging disorders such as brain and spinal cord disease or injury, peripheral and cranial nerve problems, musculoskeletal injury, pain (neuropathic, inflammatory, and visceral), internal medicine problems, and the adverse consequences of radiation therapy.
Event type: On-Line
Event Address: On-line
Sponsor: Curacore
For More Information:Kit Goodrich,CuraCore
905 S. Summit View ,Fort Collins ,COLORADO ,80524 ,United States