Posts and tweets about annual exams


Use your social media network to stress the importance of yearly check-ups to veterinary clients.

Tweets: Just press the buttons below and log in to tweet these messages.

Facebook posts: Copy this type, log into Facebook, and paste the type into the status field:

Myth #245: Indoor cats don’t need preventive care. Schedule Roxy’s annual exam and we’ll set the record straight. #pet #pethealth #petcare


If we haven’t seen your pets all year, then painful conditions could be going undetected and untreated. Set up an appointment today so we can be sure everything is A-OK.

Has your #pet been acting strange lately? Set up an appointment and get answers to your questions. #pethealth #petcare


Want to be the best pet owner possible? We’d love to help you reach that goal. Treat your pet to a wellness examination!

When was the last time we saw your #pet? The more we see your cat or dog, the sooner we can detect problems. #petcare


When you don’t bring your pets in for regular exams, we can’t spot conditions like heartworm disease or kidney failure. Set up a time so we can examine your cat or dog.

Think you only need to visit for your #pets’ vaccinations? Think again. Pets need regular exams so we can ID #pethealth problems. #petcare


DYK? Your pet may not show outward signs of illness, but hidden ailments have serious consequences if left untreated. Schedule a visit for your pet’s physical.

Myth #102: Cats don’t need veterinary care. We need to examine those felines at least once a year!



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Managing practice caseloads
Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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