The power of "I" in the veterinary profession


Learn this trick and relate to veterinary clients on a personal level.

You'll never forget the day you made the decision to end Trixie's suffering with euthanasia or the moment when you realized Fluffy would need daily insulin injections for the rest of her life. But you can use these painful moments to create a closer connection with your clients, says Tammi Powell, RVT, a veterinary technician at Heekin Animal Hospital in Taylor Mill, Ky.

"Using the word 'I' helps you relate to clients on a personal as well as professional level," she says.

Powell says she draws on her own experience caring for a pet with Cushing's disease to connect with clients who may be frustrated with their pet's condition or the cost of care. For example, she might say, "I remember when Mollie was having accidents in the house daily. But once she was maintained on medication, her accidents subsided." Or, "I felt like the medication was expensive at first, but the induction period is short. And once we reached maintenance, the cost lowered dramatically."

For more tips on how to help clients with pets that suffer from Cushing's syndrome, check out Firstline's free "Team Meeting in a Box" about the disease at Experts offer advice and tools to help you build a team approach to Cushing's syndrome, one of the most commonly diagnosed canine endocrine disorders.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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