Practice tip: Look at your sharps disposal


One company's device can turn your veterinary practice trash into an inert hockey puck.

sharp disposals

We know your disposal doesn't look like this. Wait. It doesn't, does it? (Manuel Findeis /

Looking for a high return on investment when it comes to a veterinary practice operations tweak? Take a look at in-house sharps disposal.

Medical Innovations makes a device that melts sharps into a “hockey puck,” which can then legally be discarded with the regular trash. The machine pays for itself in approximately 18 months to two years in money saved over using a commercial medical waste pickup company. (No, I'm not getting paid for this. I just think it's cool.)

You also get rid of the boxes of sharps laying around the practice waiting for pickup, making this a safer and more sanitary system of sharps disposal.

- Tracy Sheffield, BS, LVT, CVPM

Practice administrator at Wimberley Veterinary Clinic in Wimberley, Texas

Co-owner of T&L Veterinary Business Consulting

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