Pre-adoption counseling resources


A list of behavior books and prospective behavior questions for pet owners.

Read all about it

> Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Canine & Feline Behavior by Dr. Debra Horwitz and Dr. Jacqueline C. Neilson (Blackwell, 2007)

> Domestic Animal Behavior for Veterinarians and Animal Scientists by Dr. Katherine Albro Houpt (Iowa State Press, 1997)

> Handbook of Behavior Problems of the Dog and Cat by Gary Landsberg, Wayne Hunthausen, and Lowell Ackerman (Blackwell, 2005

> The Veterinarian's Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior by Dr. Bonnie V.G. Beaver (Iowa State Press, 1994)


Questions to ask owners during pre-adoption counseling

> What are you looking for in a pet?

> What do you expect from a pet?

> With dogs, how many training classes can you take them to?

> Do you have small children?

> Do you frequently go on vacation? (Is this pet prone to separation anxiety?)

> Are you OK with a "talkative" pet?

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