Emphasize core equine vaccines with these quick facts.
If your equine clients are hesitant to spend much on veterinary care for their horses because they're short of cash, here's a few facts you can emphasize to illustrate the importance of preventive care, provided by Merial.
The American Association of Equine Practitioners recommends that all horses be protected from the diseases listed above as part of its core vaccination program. Vaccination against the equine influenza virus, a leading cause of equine respiratory disease, and Potomac horse fever, a potentially fatal disease, may be warranted as well, depending on whether a horse lives in, or has traveled to, an area known to be at an increased risk for these diseases.
So if your equine clients balk about vaccinating their horses because of tight finances, ask them how they can afford not to vaccinate, considering the high risk of contracting a disease and the expensive or even life-threatening result.