Q&A: Get the raise you deserve


My production as an associate warrants a raise. How do I ask the practice owner?

Q: My production as an associate warrants a raise. How do I ask the practice owner?

A: Times are tough, so now more than ever, you need to show the practice owner what you bring to the practice, says Veterinary Economics Editorial Advisory Board member Shawn McVey, MA, MSW, CEO of Innovative Veterinary Management Solutions in Phoenix. That means pointing to quantifiable numbers regarding your production. Typically, associates make between 19 percent and 25 percent of their production, depending on seniority and benefits, McVey says. So scour financial data and find numbers such as your average client transaction to prove your worth. Also, about 20 percent of your day is likely spent doing nonmedical tasks, so show the owner how you contribute to the practice in other ways as a well-rounded team member.

If the owner is hesitant to offer a raise, suggest a modest fee increase to make up the difference. If that's still not enough and your request is ultimately denied, ask what you can do to earn a raise in the future. If you know what to work for and how long it might take to achieve your goal, you'll have a better chance of receiving your raise when the economic turmoil settles.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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