Questions asked for the 2015 Veterinary Economics Career and Family Survey were personal and telling


Check out the 96 questions we asked of respondents.

NOTE: Click here for a PDF download of the survey, including possible responses.

1. Are you a veterinarian?

2. What is your gender?

3. Where did you grow up?

4. In what country did you spend most of your childhood?

5. In which ZIP/postal code did you spend most of your childhood?

6. If postal code is unavailable or unknown, put in name of nearest town, county or other location below.

7. Where do you live now?

8. In what country do you currently live?

9. In which ZIP/postal code do you live?

10. If postal code is unavailable or unknown, put in name of nearest town, county or other location below.

11. Did you attend veterinary school in the United States?

12. From which veterinary school did you graduate?

13. In which ZIP/postal code did you spend most of your time in veterinary school?

14. From which veterinary school (outside of the U.S.) did you graduate?

15. In what country was your veterinary school located?

16. In which ZIP/postal code did you spend most of your time in veterinary school?

17. In what year were you born?

18. In what year di you graduate veterinary school?

19. Did you have any debt at graduation? (Including debt of any kind: student loan, mortgage, practice loan, etc.)

20. What type of debt did you have at graduation? (Federal student loans, private student loans, credit card debt, medical bills, car loan, home mortgage, other- please specifiy)

21. How much total debt did you have at graduation?

22. Do you have debt now? (Including debt of any kind: student loan, mortgage, practice loan, etc.)

23. What kind of debt do you have now?

24. What is your marital status? (if you consider yourself married, please check married, regardless of legalities.)

25. What is your spouse's current profession?

26. Do you own a home?

27. Do you own a veterinary practice?

28. In what year did your practice ownership start?

29. In what year did or do you expect your practice ownership to end?

30. At graduation, did you plant o own a practice?

31. How much did you pay for your most recent practice? (If you paid/are paying for your practice with a series of loans, please add them together for the total purchase amount.)

32. How many years were/are included in your loan terms when you bought your most recent practice? (If you have/had more than one loan, please choose the loan with the longest term.)

33. What was the interest rate on the amount you borrowed to buy your most recent practice? (If you had a series of loans, choose the highest percentage)

34. How did you pay for your most recent practice?

35. Did you buy the real estate with the practice?

36. Do you have children?

37. What part does financial uncertainty play in your decision to have or not have kids?

38. How many children do you have? (If you're expecting, please count that one too)

39. How did your child join you family? (Born into family, adopted into family, parent married into family)

40. In what year was your child born?

41. If adopted or married in, in what year did your child join your family?

42. Did you work before you had your child? (full-time, part-time, no but wanted to, no and didn't want to)

43. Did you work after you had your child? (full-time, part-time, no but wanted to, no and didn't want to)

44. When you went back to work, what kind of childcare did you use?

45. When did you return to work after your child?

46. How did your first child join your family?

47. In what year was your first child born?

48. In what year was your first child adopted or married into your family?

49. How did your second child join your family?

50. In what year was your second child born?

51. In what year was your second child adopted or married into your family?

52. Did you work before you had your first child?

53. Did you work before you had your second child?

54. Did you work after you had your first child?

55. Did you work after you had your second child?

56. How soon did you return to work after each child?

57. If you went back to work after children, what kind of child care did you use?

58. How did each child join your family? (first, second, third child)

59. In what year was your first child born?

60. In what year was your first child adopted or married into your family?

61. In what year was your second child born?

62. In what year was your second child adopted or married into your family?

63. In what year was your third child born?

64. In what year was your third child adopted or married into your family?

65. Did you work before you had your first child?

66. Did you work after each child?

67. How soon did you return to work after each child?

68. If you went back to work after children, what kind of childcare di you use?

69. How did each child join your family? (first, second, third, fourth)

70. In what year was your first child born?

71. In what year was your first child adopted or married into your family?

72. In what year was your second child born?

73. In what year was your second child adopted or married into your family?

74. In what year was your third child born?

75. In what year was your third child adopted or married into your family?

76. In what year was your fourth child born?

77. In what year was your fourth child adopted or married into your family?

78. Did you work before you had your first child?

79. Did you work after each child?

80. How soon did you return to work after each child?

81. If you went back to work after children, what kind of child care did you use?

82. How many children do you have?

83. Please list the years in which your children were born.

84. Please list the years in which your children joined by adoption or by marrying in.

85. Please list the way in which each child joined your family.

86. What kinds of work have you done since graduation from veterinary school? (paid, veterinary; unpaid, veterinary; paid, non-veterinary; unpaid, non-veterinary)

87. How many jobs have you had since graduating from veterinary school?

88. How many of the jobs you counted were veterinary jobs?

89. Thinking of the veterinary jobs you've had, how were you paid? (salaried, production, full-time relief, relief/shifts, dividends, hourly, unpaid, paid internship, other)

90. Thinking of the veterinary jobs you've had, where have you worked?

91. Do you currently work?

92. I don't work because …

93. Are you happy with how your life has turned out to this point?

94. What would you have changed?

95. Please rank the following in importance (career, community, faith/religion, family, self)

96. This survey offers great data, but we'd also like to know your story. If we can contact you in the future (only to ask, never to sell you anything), please provide your email address below.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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