A handy list of client forms and handouts all about cat and dog behavior.
The first step in any behavior program is to collect resources for your team and pet owners. This handy list of handouts online can get you started.
Forms for clients to fill out
> Behavior assessment checklist
> Behavior questionnaire (PDF will open)
Client handouts
> Bringing home baby: Introducing a pet to your new arrival (PDF will open)
> Desensitizing dominantly aggressive dogs (PDF will open)
> How to housebreak your new puppy (PDF will open)
> Overcoming common behavior problems in kittens (PDF will open)
> Teaching your aggressive dog deferential behavior (PDF will open)
> Teaching your new puppy the right way to play (PDF will open)
> 10 easy ways to housetrain your dog (PDF will open)
> 10 situations to avoid if your dog is dominantly aggressive (PDF will open)
> Why punishment fails; what works better