Search dogs deployed in Gulf


ST JOSEPH, MO. - 9/19/05 - The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (NDSDF) released dozens of dogs with their handlers in Hurricane Katrina?s disaster zone.

ST JOSEPH, MO. - 9/19/05 - The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (NDSDF) released dozens of dogs with their handlers in Hurricane Katrina?s disaster zone.

Many of the dogs were trained by NDSDF and have assisted in national and international searches prior to the storm.

Handler Steve Pendergras and his dog Marc from Kern County Fire Department worked in the disaster area and report assisting in the rescue of a 74-year-old man who was found unconscious and emaciated.

The National Guard broke into the house, and the man was rescued along with his Pit Bull puppy.

Pendergras reports the rescue as a huge morale booster for all involved.

The organization's Web site,, gives updates on rescues and progress made while serving the costal communities.

Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc. sponsors NDSDF.

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