Sneak peek: Britain proposes new legislation banning xylazine, and other news


Here is a sneak peek of this week’s headlines

Yakobchuk Olena/

Yakobchuk Olena/

Good morning dvm360 readers! We hope you all had an amazing weekend and are ready to tackle another work week. Did you see last week dvm360 announced the veterinary professionals nominated and selected to be the 2024 Veterinary Heroes? Congratulations to all 11 of this year’s winners and we look forward to honoring all of you at Fetch Long Beach! You can learn more about each winner here and if you want to see them in Fetch Long Beach, along with all our other amazing faculty and attendees, you can learn more about the conference here today.

Here is what you can find this week on

  • The US Fish and Wildlife Service and Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) launched the Wildlife Confiscations Network in October 2023, giving law enforcement officers in Southern California a point of contact to help trafficked animals find safety and receive needed care.
  • During an interview at Fetch Kansas City, Kelly Detweiler and Peter Weinstein, DVM, MBA, exclusively shared common myths surrounding DEA regulations at veterinary clinics, and what the truth really is.
  • North Carolina State University announced it added a state-of-the-art dairy barn to its College of Veterinary Medicine, which will include a waste-disposal system, hydraulic gates, and new data collecting technology, right next to its original barn that was built in the 1930s. 
  • On this week’s episode of The Vet Blast Podcast presented by dvm360, Adam Christman, DVM, MBA, and special guest Greg Echols, DVM, to discuss how to go from internship to entrepreneurship as well as Echols' experiences with powerlifting.
  • Parliament in the United Kingdom shared legislation had been presented to them that calls for banning 21 dangerous drugs, including the veterinary sedative xylazine, to prevent drug related deaths and crack down on those dealing drugs.
  • And more!
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