Though he doesn't have a favorite species, Dr. Suedmeyer does have patients with whom he's developed special relationships. Here he describes the persistent process through which he earned the trust of a gorilla.
The complete package
Back to the "Day in the life of a zoo veterinarian" home page
Three-part blog about the zoo encounter
Immobilization and exam for Zuri the lion
Video: An ounce of prevention - examining a lion
Photo galleries of Zuri and her caretakers:
> Meet Zuri, a 5-year-old lioness
> Procedures performed on Zuri
> Dr. Meredith Wainstein's first patient as a resident
A typical day for two zoo veterinarians
Video: A typical day at the zoo hospital
Photo gallery: Tour the zoo hospital
Video: Gorillas and goats - all in a day's work
Practicing high-quality medicine
Video: Preventive medicine at the zoo
Video: Technical innovations benefit zoo animals
Challenges at the zoo
Video: The challenges of practicing veterinary medicine in a zoo
Video: The most difficult animal
All animals treated equally
Communication strategies
Video: Easy team communication - take a cue from this zoo tech
Video: Communication and zookeepers as clients
The economy's effects