State of the Profession: Veterinary practices still facing financial challenges


According to a dvm360 survey, local economies are still influencing veterinary hospital revenue (mostly for the worse), and fewer practices are seeing an increase in their average client transaction.

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In your words

Here's what survey respondents had to say in response to the question, "What's the most pressing issue facing veterinary medicine?"

•Failure to connect to real life; protectionism amongst ourselves leading to the perception that we con't care about people or animals.

•Too many vet schools and too many vets; tuition does not pencil out with a saturated veterinary market.


•Government interfering with small businesses

•Lack of profitable, sustainable ownership opportunities

•Changing public perception of our profession and skepticism about its value

•Drug shortages and back orders

•Competition for routine wellness and neuter dollars by philanthropically funded facilities

•Poor self-esteem equals poor compensation and success

•Dr. Google

•Stagnant economy; cautious clientele

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