Additional resources
Understanding signs of animal abuse linked to abusers, implementing protocols, and providing clients resources can help keep pets and their owners safe.
When animals are abused, people are at risk; when people are abused, animals are at risk as well.¹ There is a link between domestic violence and animal abuse because abusers often use pets as a manipulation tool to control others. According to research conducted by Frank Ascione, PhD, as many as 71% of pet-owning women entering domestic violence shelters report their abuser injured, killed, or threatened family pets for revenge or psychological control.²
Nearly 50% of domestic violence survivors delay leaving an abuser because they are afraid of what might happen to their pet if they are unable to take them along.³ Compounding that issue is that just under 20% of domestic violence (DV) shelters are pet friendly, meaning a shelter can accept companion animals or pets, in addition to service and emotional support animals.
Pet housing programs can take many forms, including:
Onsite housing or co-sheltering: While each shelter renovation is unique, here are some of the typical components used in creating pet-friendly spaces include adding pet-friendly flooring, creating dog runs, constructing catios, adding doggy doors, installing privacy fencing, adding enrichment such as cat bridges, or obstacle courses for dogs. Onsite renovations can encompass:
Offsite housing: Not all shelters may be able to include pet housing for a variety of reasons (landlord restrictions, limited space, etc.). In these cases, shelters might look to partnering with an animal organization or foster organization, boarding facility, or even a veterinary clinic.
Lives on both ends of the leash can be saved with the availability of more pet housing programs at DV shelters.
Sadly, veterinary professionals may have already seen signs of animal abuse in their veterinary clinic. Neglect or harm animals by an abuser may present in the following ways:
The most important step you should take is connecting with your local DV organization to get training on how to identify, appropriately ask about, and respond to DV survivors. Remember, you don’t have to be an “expert,” but it is essential to connect with those experts in your community.
If you suspect abuse, you can ask further questions:
Responding with empathy, care, and resources can help not only the pet, but the family member as well. We recommend being proactive in your practice and creating an action plan by setting up “code words” to alert staff of the situation, hanging DV awareness resource flyers in restrooms, and having a list of resources available.
Here are a few ways that you can support your local domestic violence shelter:
It may take some time to make these connections and build relationships and create protocols. However, in the end it will be worth the time and effort knowing more people and pets can escape abuse and find a safe haven.