In a pinch to take a veterinary patients pulse? The quick (and accurate!) solution is on your wrist.
Photo courtesy of @vetgeek on Instagram
Your multimodal machine is just out of reach and you need to get your patient's pulse quickly and accurately. Look no further than what's likely reading your own pulse right now. That's right: Apparently you can get an accurate pulse reading on a patient using your smart watch.
For this veterinary hack we took to Instagram, where veterinary account @vetgeek wrote that they'd heard about this clever tip from veterinary professional Bonika Belshaw. “I'm a U.K. RVN locuming (around Australia),” she says in the post. “Today I tried something that has come in handy, quite literally-thanks to my ace colleague Laura Smithson for the suggestion.”
Simply press the watch to your patient's pulse point and-voila!-an accurate pulse reading. “I decided to try my iWatch out on all our patients today,” Belshaw says in the post, “and it's safe to say it was correct EVERY TIME-reading more accurately than my multimodal machine.”