Technicians take on state medical boards


Licensed technicians represent their profession across the boards.

Only 16 out of 50 states boast a credentialed technician on their veterinary medical boards. What's more, only 12 of those states reserve a seat-or two-for technicians. While California's new law will bump up the numbers to 17 and 13 respectively, veterinary technicians still have a long way to go to represent themselves “across the boards.”

Here's the breakdown on technician board members.

States that require a credentialed technician:

  • Alabama

  • Indiana

  • Michigan

  • Ohio

  • Oregon

  • Pennsylvania

  • South Carolina

  • Virginia

  • Washington

  • West Virginia

States that require two credentialed technicians:

  • Delaware (Bonus: Board president is an RVT.)

  • New York

States that don't require but still have a technician on board:

  • Iowa

  • Nebraska

  • Tennessee (Bonus: Board vice-president is an LVMT. Click here to read her story.)

  • Wisconsin

Looking to get on board? Click here to locate your state veterinary medical board and get information on how you can become more involved-either as a member or an advocate.

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Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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