Texas Animal Health Commission organizes Rita relief


AUSTIN, TEXAS - 9/27/05 - Texas veterinary and agriculture departments made preparations for Hurricane Rita, but are still experiencing delays accessing damage due to lack of communication to the most heavily affected areas.

AUSTIN, TEXAS - 9/27/05 - Texas veterinary and agriculture departments made preparations for Hurricane Rita, but are still experiencing delays accessing damage due to lack of communication to the most heavily affected areas.

The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) provides a list of veterinarians, kennels and animal organizations aiding in animal rescue in damaged and flooded areas at www.tahc.state.tx.us.

"Representatives from more than a dozen agricultural-related agencies and animal humane organizations are working cooperatively in the TAHC headquarters in Austin, and each has particular authority, responsibility or expertise," says Dr. Dee Ellis, assistant executive director with the TAHC. "By teaming up, Texas can provide consistent, comprehensive assistance, whether it is damage assessment of animal-related facilities, animal rescue, carcass disposal or treatment."

All efforts are coordinated with the State Operations Center and local governments, Ellis says.

Participating groups include the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Veterinary Services, Animal Care and Farm Service Agency and Texas' Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, Parks and Wildlife Department and Commission on Environmental Quality, Department of State Health Services (Zoonosis Control) and the Texas Federation of Humane Societies and American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

Texas Animal Control officers, the Texas Veterinary Medical Association and contacts in Louisiana and Arkansas also are team partners.

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