The Top 5 countdown for 2024 dvm360 videos highlights the most viewed interviews of the past year
Photo: Kristen Coppock Crossley, MA/dvm360
Joshua Broadwater, DVM, DACVO, (left) and Adam Christman, DVM, MBA, discuss evidence-based eye care solutions.
As 2024 draws to a close, dvm360 is counting down our Top 5 videos of 2024. The ranking is based on measurable interest and engagement from our digital viewers. These 5 videos feature thought leaders from throughout the veterinary care industry, who discuss a variety of topics.
The second video on the Top 5 video countdown features Joshua Broadwater, DVM, DACVO, of Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency Center in North Carolina. In this video sponsored by Sentrx Animal Care and recorded at Charlotte Animal Referral & Emergency Center, Broadwater talks with Adam Christman, DVM, MBA, chief veterinary officer of dvm360, about a line of evidence-based eye care solutions.
The following is a partial transcript:
Adam Christman, DVM, MBA: All right. Let's do it. Well, let's talk about lubricants in general. What's the importance of having them for our patients?
Joshua Broadwater, DVM, DACVO: Adam, it's huge. So, you know, when we talk about the anatomy of the eye, we used to start with the lectures of saying, "Here's the cornea and here's the sclera" and all the parts of the eye, and now I start all my lecture with, "Here's the pre-corneal tear film" because it is so important to the eye. The pre-corneal tear film is what lubricates the surface of the eye. It's what keeps the clarity of the corneal surface. It's what washes away bacteria and debris from the eye, keeping us from getting infections and irritations and ulcers. So extremely important.
Adam Christman, DVM, MBA: Yeah. And the function of the tear film in general, I know for nutrition purposes, has a lot of functions, correct.
Joshua Broadwater, DVM, DACVO: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, our cornea needs that tear film to provide lubrication, nutrition, all those things to keep our cornea healthy, keep our cornea clear so we can see so well, and our patients can be comfortable and have great vision.
Adam Christman, DVM, MBA: Excellent. Okay, so let's get into some of these products. Shall we? Okay, Josh, looks like the first one up we have is the Eye Lube pro. So tell us a little bit about this.
Joshua Broadwater, DVM, DACVO: So I see so many cases that come into the clinic for eye problems, ulcers, and I'm always having ulcer owners saying, "What can I do to prevent things like this from happening in the future?" And when you have lubrication and you can provide more lubrication to the surface of the eye, you can only help these patients to hydrate the eye, to try to protect the eye from future ulcers. There are so many things that this can be used for because of keeping from infections, keeping from irritations. You have dogs, correct?
Adam Christman, DVM, MBA: Yes, you know it.
Joshua Broadwater, DVM, DACVO: Do you have any that love to hang their head out the window while you're driving?
Adam Christman, DVM, MBA: I know what I try to bring them in, but... but yes, some of them do.
Joshua Broadwater, DVM, DACVO: So we in the field call that a practice builder, okay? Because that's what causes ulcers and irritations in foreign bodies to the eye. So I have owners that say when to use these products and I'm telling them anytime that they are basically taking the dog for a grooming, they're going to give them a bath, they're going to take them on a car ride. And anything like that, put this in the eye, try to protect the health of their eye from getting any irritation or ulcers.
View the full transcript and video here.