Training Resources


Editor's Note: The following companies and organizations are now offering some form of staff training in a specific area of veterinary medicine. (This is by no means meant to be an inclusive list, but rather a starting point for practices in need of training information.)

Editor's Note: The following companies and organizations are nowoffering some form of staff training in a specific area of veterinary medicine.(This is by no means meant to be an inclusive list, but rather a startingpoint for practices in need of training information.)


3838 N. 63rd St.

Lincoln, NE 68507

(800) 444-3634

FAX (402) 466-3501

AVLS offers a variety of client communication and practice managementtools. AVLS has an extensive line of training and videos for clients andstaff which include: VisualVet, Reception Room Video DVD or VHS, WELCOMEHOME Puppy & Kitten VHS "video owner's manuals", and morethan 50 Short ExamCare videos which help communicate basic information aboutdiagnosed pet health conditions.

American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)

12575 W. Bayaud Ave.

Lakewood, CO 80228

(800) 252-2242

FAX (303) 986-1700

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) offers an extensive lineof training resources for the entire veterinary staff. Programs range fromonline continuing education to onsite consultation on a variety of issuesfrom team building to hiring staff. AAHA also provides members with a comprehensivelibrary on training and staff development.

American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

1931 N. Meachum Road, Suite 100

Schaumburg, IL 60173-4360

(847) 925-8070 ext. 228

(847) 925-1329

AVMA Client Service Handbook series consists of five titles, specificallydesigned for training in veterinary practices. Each handbook is loaded withideas to improve veterinary services. The series includes: Your ProfessionalImage; Teamwork: 50 Ways to Make it Work in your Practice; Beyond CustomerService: Keeping Clients for Life; Client Satisfaction: The Other Half ofYour Job; Telephone Courtesy & Client Service. The handbooks can bepurchased individually or in a set. Go to in-depth descriptions and ordering information.

Animal Care Training Programs

918 N. Elm St.

Denton, TX 76201

(800) 357-3182

FAX: (940) 381-1847

Animal Care Training Programs provides professional staff training resourcesto veterinary hospitals. Using professional video footage and the expertisefrom many of the leading specialists in veterinary medicine, ACT offers42 training videos contained in seven programs to train the entire veterinarystaff. Each program comes complete with six videos, supervisor's implementationguide and five employee workbooks with review questions. At the end of eachsix-tape program, the staff member will take a comprehensive 50-questionexam. ACT will grade the exams and a certificate will be sent to each staffmember who successfully completes and passes the program.


48 Notch Road

Little Falls, NJ 07424

(800) 726-1212

FAX: (973) 890-5617

Cardiopet/Radiopet services offer veterinary telemedicine consultationby specialists using transtelephonic and high-speed digital transmissionof medical information and images in all specialty areas. The Cardiopetstaff includes diplomates of the specialty-specific colleges of cardiology,internal medicine, ophthalmology, surgery, oncology, dermatology, radiologyand emergency/critical care.

Radiopet offers evaluations on all species on radiographs, ultrasounds,MRI and CT. Using digital technology, "real time" echocardiogramsand abdominal ultrasound examinations can also be performed in your practiceunder the guidance and consultation of a board-certified radiologist orcardiologist.

Lifelearn Inc.

MacNabb House, University of Guelph

Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1

Phone: (519) 767-5043

FAX: (519) 767-1101

Lifelearn offers production and marketing of electronic educational andtraining programs for veterinarians and their staff. See a demonstrationof its Veterinary Staff Training series on CD-ROM.

Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins

351 West Camden Street

Baltimore, MD 21201

(800) 638-3030

FAX: (301) 223-2365

Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (LWW) is an international publisherof professional health information for veterinarians and veterinary students.LWW provides essential information for veterinary medicine professionalsin print and electronic formats, including textbooks, CD-ROMs and informationvia intranets and the Internet.

Novartis Animal Health

3200 Northline Ave. Suite 300

Greensboro, NC 27408

(800) 447-2391

Novartis Animal Health U.S., Inc.'s veterinary technician animal behaviortraining course, An Introduction to Pet Behavioral Therapy, designed byboard-certified behaviorist, Dr. Debra Horwitz, is now available on-line.Until now, veterinary technicians and veterinary staff have been takingthe course via mail. Now students can continue their education on-line, an on-line resource for technicians that offers educationalcredits and other information.

Pets,VetsandYou, Inc.

10919 N. Dale Mabry Hwy.

Tampa, FL 33618

(866) 738-7838

Pets,VetsandYou, Inc. is a veterinarian-owned company that helps veterinariansdevelop effective business strategies to integrate new technologies intotheir business practices. The company offers a variety of resources to itsmembers from financial help to staff training , which is provided throughLifelearn and


Highland Park Animal Clinic

Dr. Khare

31 South 2nd Avenue

Highland Park, NJ 08904

PCVET is a practice medical management software designed for both thegeneral practitioner and specialists. The Windows®-based software isa comprehensive resource for training. It begins with a detailed computeraudio/video presentation generated from an existing program, followed byan almost interactive, step-by-step audio/video of various modules. On-siteand individual training is available.

Practice Coach, Inc.

6221 South 58th Street

Suite F

Lincoln, NE 68516

(800) 284-7187

FAX: (402) 423-6243

Practice Coach, Inc., offers comprehensive services in practice managementfrom finance to marketing. PCI helps veterinary professionals better managethe business and management side of their practice. From personal consultationto training workshops and presentations, Practice Coach helps practitionersexcel in the business of veterinary care, as well as the practice of veterinarymedicine.

Progressive Veterinary Management Services

P.O. Box 178951

San Diego, CA 92117

(858) 279-6553

FAX: (858) 279-6580

Progressive Veterinary Management Services provides resources for practiceowners on staff development and training. The company recently releasedan educational series of reference guides for the veterinary staff dealingwith veterinary terminology and abbreviations, vital statistics and basicdiagnostic and surgical procedures.

VetConnect Systems

2536 Alpine Road

Eau Claire, WI 54703

(877) 838-2666

VetConnect is an Internet resource developed specifically to help veterinarypractices deliver the highest possible quality of care and features itsCornerstone practice management software. Membership is free and availableto veterinary professionals in the United States. VetConnect provides accessto up-to-the-minute laboratory results, side-by-side report comparisonsand additional test requests all online.

VetConnect is currently offering five ways to learn more about Cornerstonethrough Internet-based seminars, on-site training, training at VetConnect'scorporate offices, training programs on CD and phone consulting.

Veterinary Learning Systems

275 Phillips Blvd

Trenton, NJ 08618

(800) 426-9119

Veterinary Learning Systems offers continuing education opportunitiesfor veterinarians and technicians through seminars, CDs, videos and bookson a variety of medical and practice management topics.

Veterinary Productivity Inc.

2895 SW Bear Paw Trail

Palm City, FL 34990

(800) 292-7995 or (561) 289-1228

Veterinary Productivity Inc. provides a monthly update on events in veterinarymedicine and the most productive and profitable responses to those thataffect your practice. The company also provides practice makeovers to updatethe procedures, client communications and fee schedules that bring aboutoptimum productivity and profitability.


520 West 11th St.

Tracy, CA 95376

(209) 835-5166

FAX (209) 835-3573

VetTeam is the first online educational resource designed for veterinarytechnicians, assistants and practice managers. The Web site is designedas an education center for practice staff and those studying the profession.Access to VetTeam and its discussion boards is free. After registering,users may ask questions of VetTeam board editors, which include technicians,managers and a DVM. They also can post and answer classified ads, use thesite's online library and check out VetTeam's continuing education courseofferings.

The VetTeam CE Library for techicians includes:

· VetTeam Dental Assistant - 4 CE Hours

· VetTeam Dental Technician - 4 CE Hours

· VetTeam Assistant - 24 CE hours (three for each course)

· Veterinary Technician National Examination Review- 4 CE Hours

· Radiology for Technicians

· Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians

·Anesthesia for Technicians


Veterinary Practice Consultants® Catanzaro and Associates, Inc.

18301 W Colfax Ave. Bldg R-101

Golden, CO 80401

(303) 277-9800

FAX: (303) 277-9888

Veterinary Practice Consultants (VPC) tackles practice management issueswith an individual approach to each veterinary hospital. VPC designs itspractice management plans and solutions to meet the needs of each veterinarystaff .

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