Unwinding from holiday stress


Despite the fun of the holidays, the season leaves many people stressed out instead of refreshed and ready for the year ahead. With these tips from Vitality magazine, you can relax and enjoy 2005.

Despite the fun of the holidays, the season leaves many people stressed out instead of refreshed and ready for the year ahead. With these tips from Vitality magazine, you can relax and enjoy 2005.

  • Enjoy breaks at work. Don't use your break time to catch up on paperwork. You'll feel better if you take a walk, eat a healthy snack, or write a personal letter. Getting your mind off the daily grind helps you feel refreshed.

  • Tackle big tasks when you're most productive. For some doctors, this means scheduling surgeries early. For others, it works better to see clients in the morning and leave surgery appointments for late in the day or in the evening.

  • Be flexible. It's inevitable that clients occasionally will cancel or just not show up. And it's even more likely that walk-ins or emergencies will interrupt your day. Don't let these disruptions take the wind out of your sails.

  • Focus on your goals. Setting clear professional goals and using them to prioritize your tasks gives each day a sense of direction and purpose.

  • Praise yourself for jobs well-done. Boost your self-esteem—and reduce your stress—by patting yourself on the back for completing tasks on your to-do list or for handling a difficult client well.

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Managing practice caseloads
Angela Elia, BS, LVT, CVT, VTS (ECC)
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