Washington - The U.S. Department of Agriculture has instituted new interstate movement, identification, and indemnity requirements for sheep and goats, agreed to by all 50 states.
Washington - The U.S. Department of Agriculture has institutednew interstate movement, identification, and indemnity requirements forsheep and goats, agreed to by all 50 states, effective Sept. 20.
The agency has also named the states that conduct effective scrapie controlprograms consistent with federal regulations.
The latest rule will require identification of mature sheep, breedingsheep, and breeding goats moving interstate and will reinstate an indemnityprogram for certain sheep and goats affected by scrapie. Producers who movesheep and goats in interstate commerce should contact their local USDA VeterinaryServices office to have tag numbers assigned.
The compliance date for all requirements to identify animals that arenot scrapie-positive animals, suspect animals, high-risk animals, exposedanimals, or animals from an infected or source flock is November 19. Thedeadline for requirements for identification of commercial whitefaced breedingsheep under 18 months old and commercial breeding goats is February 19,2002.
For information on the scrapie program visit http://www.aphis.usda.gov/vs/scrapie/.