Pullman, Wash. -- Washington State University (WSU) College of Veterinary Medicine Dean Dr. Warwick Bayly began also serving as WSU provost Sept. 23, when Provost Steven Hoch filed a last-minute personal-leave request after less than two months on the job
Pullman, Wash.
-- Washington State University (WSU) College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) Dean Dr. Warwick Bayly began also serving as WSU provost Sept. 23, when Provost Steven Hoch filed a last-minute personal-leave request after less than two months on the job
Hoch requested the leave be effective immediately, and it was granted the same day by WSU President Elson Floyd, according to the school. The reason for and length of the leave were not stated.
Following the announcement about Hoch, who assumed the duties of provost at WSU Aug. 1 after previously serving as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Kentucky, Floyd announced that Bayly had agreed to fill the role in addition to the duties he already has as the WSUCVM dean.
"I am pleased that Warwick has greed to serve in this capacity," Floyd says. "His longevity and familiarity with Washington State University will make this transition seamless."
Bayly has been dean of the CVM since 2001 and served as chair of the provost search committee that selected Hoch.