Veterinary Economics Practice Management Overhaul Official Rules


Official rules for the Veterinary Economics Practice Management Overhaul


VETERINARY ECONOMICS PRACTICE MANAGEMENT OVERHAUL CONTEST (the “Contest”) starts on July 1, 2009, and ends on September 1, 2009 (“Contest Period”).

ELIGIBILITY: Entries will only be accepted from an individual owner of a veterinary practice or from an individual entering on behalf of the company that owns an individual veterinary practice in the 50 United States or the District of Columbia. Entrants must be legal residents of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia and at least 21 years of age or older. Any company that owns an eligible veterinary practice business must be legally organized under the laws of the United States. Employees of Advanstar Communications Inc. (“Sponsor”), or IDEXX Laboratories, and each of their parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, promotion and advertising agencies, and members of their immediate family (spouse, parent, child, sibling and their respective spouses, regardless of where they reside) and persons living in the same household of such employees, whether or not related, are not eligible to enter or win. Void where prohibited by law. Contest is subject to all applicable federal, state and local laws.

HOW TO ENTER: Entries will be accepted between 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) July 1, 2009, and 11:59 p.m. ET September 1, 2009, (the “Entry Period”). To enter visit (the “Website”) and complete and submit the official entry form. All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. ET on September 1, 2009, to be eligible. Limit one (1) entry per eligible veterinary practice for the duration of the Entry Period. Multiple entries received after the first entry received from that eligible veterinary practice owner will be void. Entries generated by script, macro or other automated or mechanical means are void. All entries become the property of Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned.

Each entry must be entrant's own original work, be in English, be true and verifiable, be in keeping with the Sponsor's image and may not be offensive or inappropriate, as determined by the Sponsor in its sole discretion, nor can it defame or invade publicity rights or privacy of any person, living or deceased, or otherwise infringe upon any person's personal or property rights or any other third party rights. Sponsor reserves the right to void any entry it deems in its sole discretion to be offensive or inappropriate, not in keeping with Sponsor's image or that is otherwise not in compliance with these Official Rules.

On or about September 15, 2009, all eligible entries received by Sponsor will be judged by a panel of qualified judges on the following criteria: commitment to excellence in management (33%), commitment to efficiency in practice (33%), commitment to business growth through team development and client compliance/practice finances (34%) to determine the two highest scoring entries, as determined by judges in their sole discretion. In the event of a tie, an additional, “tie-breaking” judge will determine the winner(s) from among such tied entries based on the criteria listed herein. Sponsor reserves the right to not award all prizes if, in its sole discretion, it does not receive a sufficient number of eligible and qualified entries. Judges' decisions are final and binding on all matters relating to this Contest.

WINNER NOTIFICATION: Potential winners will be notified by telephone, mail and/or email. Potential winners may be required to execute an Affidavit of Eligibility, Liability and Publicity Release (unless prohibited by law), which must be returned within fourteen (14) days of date appearing on prize notification and a W-9 form. Return of prize or prize notification as undeliverable, failure to execute and return requested documentation within fourteen (14) days of date of issuance, or noncompliance with these Official Rules by the potential winner will result in disqualification and, at Sponsor's sole discretion the prize may be awarded to a runner-up.

PRIZES: Grand Prize (1): an In-Depth Management Consultation Session regarding team development with a management expert consisting of an approximately four-hour telephone conference (either one 4 hour period or divided into up into smaller time periods as mutually agreed to by the management expert and the winner). First Place Prize (1): an In-Depth Management Consultation Session regarding compliance/practice finances with a management expert, (either one 4 hour period or divided into up into smaller time periods as mutually agreed to by the consultant and the winner). The management experts shall be determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion Sponsor shall provide the management expert's name and contact information to the winner. It shall be winners' responsibility to contact the management expert within two weeks after being provided with the contact information, to schedule training session(s) with management expert at a time acceptable to management expert. Approximate Retail Value of each prize is $500.00. Total ARV of all prizes: $1000.00. Prizes are awarded “as is” with no warranty or guarantee, either express or implied by Sponsor. Winners may not substitute, assign or transfer prize or redeem prize for cash, but Sponsor reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to substitute prize (or portion thereof) with one of comparable or greater value. Winners are responsible for all applicable federal, state and local taxes, if any, as well as any other costs and expenses associated with prize acceptance and use not specified herein as being provided. Winners are responsible for any time that winner may use in excess of the four-hour consultation period. All prize details are at Sponsor's sole discretion.

OWNERSHIP/USE OF ENTRY: By submitting an entry, in addition to the rights granted to Sponsor under the Website's Terms and Conditions of Use, entrant agrees Sponsor shall own the entry submitted (including the photographs and essay, if any, and all rights embodied therein) and that it and its designees may exploit, edit, modify, and distribute the entry and all elements of such entry, including, without limitation, the names, likenesses, trademarks and logos of any persons or locations embodied therein, in any and all media now known or not currently known, throughout the world in perpetuity without compensation, permission or notification to entrant or any third party.

GENERAL: By participating, each entrant agrees: (a) to abide by these rules and decisions of Sponsor and judges, which shall be final and binding in all respects relating to this Contest; (b) to release, discharge and hold harmless Sponsor, and IDEXX Laboratories, and their respective parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and advertising and promotion agencies, and the respective officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents and representatives of the forgoing (collectively, “Released Parties”) from any and all injuries, liability, losses and damages of any kind to persons, including death, or property resulting, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from entrant's participation in the Contest or any Contest-related activity or the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of any awarded prize or the use of any rights granted herein; and (c) to the use of his/her name, company name, city and state of residence, trademarks, logos, photographs, image, likeness and/or entry (photographs and essay) for programming, advertising, publicity and promotional purposes in any and all media, now or hereafter known, worldwide and on the Internet, and in perpetuity by Sponsor and its designees, without compensation (unless prohibited by law) or additional consents from entrant or any third party and without prior notice, approval or inspection, and to execute specific consent to such use if asked to do so.

Released Parties are not responsible for lost, late, incomplete, inaccurate, stolen, misdirected, undelivered, garbled, illegible or postage-due mail, entries or email; or for lost, interrupted or unavailable network, server, Internet Service Provider (ISP), website, or other connections, availability or accessibility or miscommunications or failed computer, satellite, telephone or cable transmissions, lines, or technical failure or jumbled, scrambled, delayed, or misdirected transmissions or computer hardware or software malfunctions, failures or difficulties, or other errors or difficulties of any kind whether human, mechanical, electronic, computer, network, typographical, printing or otherwise relating to or in connection with the Contest, including, without limitation, errors or difficulties which may occur in connection with the administration of the Contest, the processing of entries, the announcement of the prizes or in any Contest-related materials. Released Parties are also not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by site users, tampering, hacking, or by any equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest. Released Parties are not responsible for injury or damage to participants' or to any other person's computer related to or resulting from participating in this Contest or downloading materials from or use of the web site. Persons who tamper with or abuse any aspect of the Contest or website or who are in violation of these Official Rules, as solely determined by Sponsor, will be disqualified and all associated entries will be void. Should any portion of the Contest be, in Sponsor's sole opinion, compromised by virus, worms, bugs, non-authorized human intervention or other causes which, in the sole opinion of the Sponsor, corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper play, or submission of entries, Sponsor reserves the right at its sole discretion to suspend, modify or terminate the Contest and, if terminated, at its discretion, select the potential winners from all eligible, non-suspect entries received prior to action taken or as otherwise deemed fair and appropriate by Sponsor.

PRIVACY POLICY: Sponsor's privacy policy may be found by clicking here. That privacy policy discloses what information Sponsor collects and how it is used, which includes the entry information provided by Entrant hereunder. Such use includes without limitation a) sharing Entrant's name and contact information with Sponsor's affiliates and partners and third parties licensed to access that information by any of the foregoing and b) renting lists compiled from the entrant's entry information (including e-mail addresses) gathered from this Contest and/or the applicable Advanstar or its affiliates' website. By entering into this Contest, entrant signifies its acceptance of the terms of Sponsor's Privacy Policy.

WINNERS LIST: For the names of the winners (available after September 15, 2009), send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Veterinary Economics, Editor 8033 Flint Street, Lenexa, KS 66214 for receipt no later than October 31, 2009.

SPONSOR: Advanstar Communications Inc., 8033 Flint Street, Lenexa, KS 66214.

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