Get the inside scoop on equipment purchases, employee upscaling, and more.
Admit it: You've been eyeing that new digital radiography machine. Or perhaps you're swooning over a surgical laser. Yes, it's easy to fall in love with a shiny new piece of equipment. But how do you make sure the amorous relationship lasts? After all, if you're going to make such a major investment, you don't want your new purchase to sit gathering dust at your clinic.
The newest issue of Veterinary Economics is now online, and it has the answers to your equipment-buying questions. Read "Make sure equipment earns its keep" to learn about the experiences of four real-life doctors who made their equipment purchases work for them. You'll learn the ins and outs of paying for equipment-and making it pay for you.
The September issue also features advice from Hospital Management Editor Mark Opperman, CVPM, on getting rid of your dull employees and finding sharp new ones. In “How to upscale your veterinary team,” Opperman shows you how to get rid of underperforming employees to find your perfect “10s.”
We also have plenty of advice for practice owners looking to grow their practices-even in a recession. In “Growing a veterinary practice in a bad economy,” Denise Tumblin, CPA gives tips on building revenues despite the economic drought.
Click here to read the September issue and gain insights on these topics, plus much more.