Veterinary laser skeptics-see the light


Find out why veterinary sports medicine and rehab specialist Dr. Matthew Brunke became a believer.

Looking for a new rehab tool? Feast your eyes on laser light! Actually, no, don't look directly into the beam. That's a bad idea. Sorry.

This fact, combined with the wide range of variables (e.g. wavelength, energy density, number of treatments) as well as product options on the market left Fetch dvm360 conference speaker Matthew Brunke, DVM, CCRP, CVPP, CVA, among the many skeptics of this treatment.

Laser links you can use

> A tripointed view on the benefits of veterinary laser therapy

> Get started with laser therapy in two steps

> Is a laser a high-dollar doorstop or crucial tool?

As with all new modalities in clinical practice, whether human or animal, it comes down to trial and error-and time and patience, says Dr. Brunke. Well, the trial period is over, and the results are in. Dr. Brunke says many, many cases showing the benefit of therapeutic lasers in both human and veterinary patients have been documented. But it was laser's effect on wounds that got his attention big-time.

“What really got me from being a skeptic to a believer on lasers was actually wound management, which is such a practical application for all veterinarians,” says Dr. Brunke. “We all deal with wounds.” The change of heart for Dr. Brunke was seeing how quickly skin and wounds healed superficially with laser therapy as opposed to without it. Hear more from Dr. Brunke:

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