The goal is to make sure clients are using year-round parasite prevention. What if you're unknowingly making them refuse?
We loved this quick tip from Bash Halow, LVT, CVPM, at a recent CVC session he gave on the importance of continuing to sell parasite prevention in your clinic.
His advice? Think about the way you're asking clients about their parasite prevention. Don't just blurt, "Do you need any more flea product?" Because-think back to the last time you asked it that way-it's almost always answered with a "no." The client shakes you off.
Instead, get specific. Say, "How many doses of ______ do you have left at home?" This is the easiest way to start the discussion that segues into the necessity of year-round prevention.
For more client communication tips on parasite prevention from Halow, check out this article, and for more of his expert advice, go here.
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We've got you covered. Join us for an all-new parasitology track at CVC throughout 2017-starting in Virginia Beach, May 18-21. Go here for more information and learn how to register.