Web site aims to help clients grasp canine heart disease


St. Joseph, Mo. -- A new Web site aims to help pet owners better understand how to protect their dogs from heart diseases, which affect more than 10 percent of all dogs and 60 percent of older dogs.

St. Joseph, Mo.

-- A new Web site aims to help pet owners better understand how to protect their dogs from heart diseases, which affect more than 10 percent of all dogs and 60 percent of older dogs.

YourDogsHeart.com could help veterinarians educate owners about how heart disease could or is affecting their animals.

Information on the site includes statistics about canine heart disease, how veterinarians detect and diagnose heart problems, risk factors, which breeds are more prone to developing heart disease, a description of congestive heart failure and dog heart health tips.

The free Web resource was developed by the Boehringer Ingelheim group.

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